
I’m Sandy Leigh

Fashion obsessed. Mother of three. Travel lover.

Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing.

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I am a lifestyle and fashion blogger, an obsessed photo-taker of my kids, a bubble tea lover, a shopaholic, and I love being busy.

This blog is my little slice of the interweb to share outfits (women’s fashion and mommy + me outfits), good shopping deals, recipes, show my progress on home decor (it’s a never-ending project, right?), talk about motherhood, and show daily inspirations.

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“Don’t trade in your integrity for influence.“

― Richie Norton
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I am a lifestyle and fashion blogger, an obsessed photo-taker of my kids, a bubble tea lover, a shopaholic, and I love being busy.

This blog is my little slice of the interweb to share outfits (women’s fashion and mommy + me outfits), good shopping deals, recipes, show my progress on home decor (it’s a never-ending project, right?), talk about motherhood, and show daily inspirations.


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